Friday, November 16, 2007

NaKniSweMo update from Lil Purl

I'm very close with my Beau. I have finished the main parts of the front and back and have blocked it to start my seaming. After seaming, I'm working on the neckband, buttonband and attaching the sleeves:

Here are my sleeves. I'm working on them simultaneously to minimize the variation in my gauge.

This knit has gone faster than I thought since I only started a couple of weeks ago. The only problems I've had is some of the laddering that happens when I've switched from knit and purl Some of the Rowan pattern is also confusing. It's fairly simple but some of the written descriptions were not as clear as I would have liked. "Work the same as back until 36 rows less" is a strange instruction. 36 rows less? Wouldn't it be more intuitive to give dimension?

On another note, I finished staining and varnishing my stash's beautiful new home some time back. Here she is:
Isn't she a beauty?


Meema said...

Gorgeous stash house!!! I am completely jealous.

Adrienne said...

Wow, lil purl! AMAZING work! I've completely lost focus on my naknitswemo. The body is almost done, but i'm feeling the holiday knitting pressure already! GAH!

At least one of us will make it.


Chelsea said...

You are soooo fast!!!!

Snoop Frog ~~~@ said...

My hero.

P.S. Nice stash!