Sunday, December 16, 2007

dipping a toe back into the frog pond

Golly, my knittas have been quiet. I suppose I'm the only *ahem* loquacious one in the bunch. Okay, like, superfluously so.

*triple bonus for using two of my favorite unnecessarily large words in a row!*

Today I'll be picking up my needles for the first time in months. Our December Fatterday Knitterday is upon me, and it's time to knit or perish. And by "perish" I mean do nothing but sit around tittering and stuffing my face with the crack mix MCR always buys. Evil.

Before I can be reborn as a knitter, I feel that I need to confess my sins and renounce the works that have turned me into the knitting blackguard that I am today.
  • The Sizzle (on needles). You're lovely, and one day I look forward to being annoyed with you (in all your finished glory) for not containing by boobs properly. For now, though, you have no place. It's December, which doesn't lend itself to rust-colored knit tank tops with deep Vs.
  • The Glee (on needles). So close, and yet, so UFO. You require a lot of stockinette just to repay me with a white, short-sleeved, cropped cardigan in January. You'll just have to be patient.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Dashing (on needles). Maybe I wasn't ready. Maybe neither of us were. All I know is that your cables are irregular, your thumb looks funny, and I bound you off too soon. I still have hope for us.
  • Widdershins (in knitting Purgatory, begging forgiveness). *hisses* Maybe one day I'll frog you down to the gusset and take you on again. Don't hold your breath, though.
  • All my unmade Christmas knits that were never born because of vile Widdershins (in skeins in my closet). Sorry, my lovelies. Maybe next year.
Today, I plan to start fresh. I plan to indulge, and glut myself on an easy pattern and fabulous fiber. I'm going to bust out my unforgivably gorgeous Lorna's Laces Worsted Multi, and I'm going to cast on for Marnie's variation of the One Skein Wonder.

Hoping for redemption,


Adrienne said...

yay! it was so nice to see the snoopster knitting again. and it didn't seem SO bad. i welcome you back to the fold! :)

Chelsea said...

BE STRONG!!! You can complete that one skein wonder-I knows it!

geekgirl said...

You can DOOO it!! XD

Snoop Frog ~~~@ said...

*is fortified by the support of her knittas* X-D