Friday, December 28, 2007

Post Christmas Startitis


It's over. Christmas, that is, and all the knitting that came with it. I finished everything I had planned to knit (except for one pair of socks, which I'm working on now. It's okay, though. Tobin got a road bike instead), and all of the knits have been given.

I'm such a bad blogger,though. In the fury of knitting and blocking and wrapping and giving, I neglected to photograph just about every single project. I think there's one somewhere of Tobin's grandmother in the shawl I made her, and I posted about Buck's Green Tea Socks way back when I finished them. Everything else, though, has been lost to blog posterity.

Now that all the gifts are done, I'm experiencing a rush of startitis. In the last four or five days, I have started:

FINALLY started the BMPs from Knitty that have been sitting over there in the "Queue" column for months and months. They look weirdly huge, though, so I'm putting them on pause until Tobin returns from his East Coast trip and can try them on.

Blue Sky Alpacas' High Neck Cable, in Rowan Felted Tweed, except that I didn't have time to get the pattern so I was making it up as I went. I tried it on in Tucson and looked like Baron Harkonen, so this is going to be frogged and turned into a version of Rowan's Demi. I'm in a designing mood, though, so I'm going to try and copy this and knit it based on EZ's no-seam saddle shoulder sweater. Heh. We'll see how that goes.

Ogee Lace Shawl. I took the Ogee lace pattern from my Barbara Walker Treasury Vol. 1. I have a ball of Baruffa Cashwool in chocolate brown, and had this crazy idea to make a shawl for my wedding. Eh. I have six months.

Tabi Socks from Veronik Avery's Knitting Classic Style, which K-Bull gave me for my birthday. With the gaw-jus Colinette Jitterbug that K-Bull also gave me for my birthday.

I have the yarn for the Tangled Yoke cardigan -- Rowan Felted Tweed in Treacle, but I want to swatch a variation for it. I loved the original sweater that Eunny posted on her blog. She has horizontal cables winding around the hips of the cardi that echo the tangled yoke. I love the balance this gives the sweater. So, I have plans to see if I can figure out how to do this, based on the charts in IK. (see? Design-y mood).

I know from experience that, when I get into these bouts of startitis, more than half of these projects will fall by the wayside, but that's okay. I'm enjoying them while they last!

Hopefully they'll at least last long enough to post some pictures.

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