Monday, August 20, 2007

I'm in! I'm IN!

That sounds vaguely dirty. SF will know what I'm talking about. Think "cow tunnel."

Not to rub it in or anything, but I got my Ravelry invitation today! SQUEE! I should really be working since I'm, well, at work, but instead I'm adding books and yarn and projects! *click* *click* *click*

I love the interface so far. It's easy to use (SF and KB can comment on the finer points of the UI very soon!), and is so comprehensive! It's obvious to me already that this site is designed by knitters who are just about as obsessive as me. It's organized in the same way as my knitting brain! Except it's, you know, organized.

I can't wait to go home and start adding all of my projects!

It looks like they're really stepping up the invites, so I KNOW all of the skeinks will be on there in no time, and when you are, look me up! i'm knittingadrienne.

woo hoo!


Chelsea said...

I'm in too. I'm pissed that I have to use Flikr. But I'm sure the benefits will out weigh that HUGE negative.

Snoop Frog ~~~@ said...

Also in. Also squeeing. X-D