Thursday, August 9, 2007

Ma Would Be So Proud

It's finished! My first sweater, my first cable project is DONE! I'm so excited and proud. I'm wearing the thing even though it's 100% wool and it's like 70 degrees out.

My grandma (who we called Ma) was an amazing knitter. I would sit and watch for hours while she knit. I always wanted to know how to do it but I was a little too uncoordinated as a kid to pick it up. I could crochet but knitting always eluded me. About 2 and half years ago I was given a "Learn to Knit" kit from a friend. I picked it up
Well I screwed the courage up to knit the Central Park Hoodie from the Fall 2006 KnitScene. I used 4 skeins of Araucania Nature Wool in teal. It's a beautiful hand died wool that was great to knit with and showed the cables off nicely.

Start Date: May 2, 2007
End Date: July 29, 2007

Mods: I knit the button band in one piece and hated it. The natural variegation of the yarn flipped from being horizontal to vertical on the ribbing for button band and it broke the sweater up and made a very flattering piece very unflattering. So I ripped out the button band (ripping 312 bound off stitches IS NOT FUN). Re-Knit the ribbing on the hood and then knit 2 pieces 10 stitches (7 in stockinette, 3 in garter to stop it from rolling). I also knit a one row button hole vs. the 2 row that was called for in the pattern.

I love the cabling and I love the color!

That picture doesn't do it justice-it's really quite slimming.

My cables don't look like someone on crack did them (not that I'm on crack)!!! I can really knit! YAY!

During the construction of this sweater I discovered my love of mattress stitch-it's ingenious!!! It lets you seam things together without seeing a seam-SO COOL!

I'm so glad it's done. Now excuse me while I go swelter in this sweater.

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