Tuesday, August 14, 2007

KBULL Tinkerbell Titus

A middle name has been added. It boosts my street cred, right?

The story behind the new name:

Saturday-I'm done with the snowflake pattern on the Norwegian Stockings and onto the pink colorwork. I was about 8 rows in when it became evident that I had made a mistake and this wasn't a mistake like the first (wrong color stripe) or the second (read the pattern the wrong way and didn't include a stripe) that could each just be my own interpretation of the pattern. Oh no, this was a snowflake that looked like a pile of poo. Tink. Tink. Tink. Oh this yarn isn't easy to get back on the needles. Tink. Tink. Tink. Oh crap it really isn't easy to get back on the needles TINK TINK TINK. Until all I had left was 3 piles of badly tangled yarn and no stocking. It was sad. Adrienne and Elaina both witnessed the horror, they can attest. It was no fun.

Sunday-Working on the log cabin thinking I'm a genius because I figured out a way NOT to do intarsia and still make the blankie look good. OH one problem as I was picking up a stitch (vertically mind you) at the end of the row I didn't take into account that I was adding a stitch every row. Didn't figure it out until the "square" was done. Tink. Tink. Tink.

Monday-Working on the Sweet Pea socks, turning the heel, listening to Adrienne's voice in my head saying "trust the pattern, trust the pattern". Well then how come the pattern is telling me to knit when there's nothing left to knit? OH it seems I mis-read the pattern. Trust the pattern but don't trust your reading skills, right, I forgot. I don't k2tog, tbl, k1. I k2tog tbl (no comma), k1. Tink. Tink. Tink.

The bad news? I tinked alot.
The good news? I know how I messed up and fixed it on everything except the stockings, which I'll tackle after the socks (a gift) are done.
The even better news? I have a new middle name KBULL Tinkerbell Titus.

It has a nice ring to it, no?

1 comment:

Snoop Frog ~~~@ said...

You make me laugh X-D, though these are all very sad stories. Nice to know I'm not the only one!