Thursday, August 9, 2007

sytycd, stockings, cats

Yeah, I know I said I'd post fo pics and flash some stash for my girls, but instead, I spent the evening watching So You Think You Can Dance (LOVE that Sabra!!!) and working on this:
I love colorwork! It's going really fast, and it's easier than I thought it would be to keep the tension even.

Here's a slightly closer-up pic:
I'm using the technique described by She Ewe Knits. The pattern color is in my left hand, continental style, and the background color is in my right hand, English style. I tried to do Eunny's way, holding both yarns in my left hand, and that was... um... not pretty.

Oh, and the number one reason to mark the beginning of the round, even though you KNOW you'll never miss it? I only did half of the last round of ribbing before I started the colorwork. Oh well. With something like 8 rows/inch, who's going to notice?

Will flash stash tomorrow... if I can step away from the stockings.


Snoop Frog ~~~@ said...

Lurve the way it's knitting up. Isn't it great how you don't have to wait for the colorwork and fun to begin? It starts right at the top! :0)

Chelsea said...

Okay, urg. I started the striping last night and I accidentally did the first stripe in white. I was confoosed :( But I'm NOT going to rip. I am going to do the next stripe in pink and call it my very own variation :) Yours looks beautius!

Anonymous said...

Well said.