Monday, October 8, 2007

Adventures in Sockland or, the good, the good and the ugly

First, an FO:

Pattern: Highland Schottische Kilt Hose, by Nancy Bush in Folk Socks
Yarn: Regia Silk 4-Ply in Charcoal
Needles: Addi Turbo 32" size 1 1/2 (2.5 mm)

I love these knee-high stockings. They're super comfy and warm, and they fit perfectly. I was a little concerned that they'd make my ginormous calves look ginormous-er, but I don't think they do.

They went super fast, continuing my insane sock knitting frenzy. I started them two weeks ago, the third pair in as many weeks... the second one took about 4 days. I like them with my little mary janes. But I can also wear them to relax in. Ah, Kilt hose. How do I lurve thee...

Next, though comes a sad, sad tale of yarn that tricked me with it's pretty colors and squishness.

Ah, Cherry Tree Hill supersock merino, how I loved your greys and blues and lavenders, how I loved the soft snowiness of your white and the leafiness of your green.

But how you tricked me. Pretty, pretty yarn. Knits up so so ugly.
This shot doesn't even do justice to the hideous pooling and flashing on the instep. A big chunk of white next to a triangular pool of purple. Gah. Horror of horrors. KBull described it as an "'80s couch." Totally. I have two other skeins of cherry tree hill supersock that I just added to the stash, and I may just have to return them. I can't stomach another betrayal.

These were supposed to be for my sis for christmas, but the Birch Breezes of Horror have (mercifully) been frogged, and I cast on something to relieve my aching eyeballs.

Pomatomus from Knitty, by Cookie A. In Koigu KPPPM, two skeins of which I bought at Stitches this past February. This yarn started off as Monkeys, but quickly became Elfines (scroll all the way down), but didn't like being either of them. But Pomatomus, I love already. There's something about the texture and direction of this pattern that really takes to variegated yarns in a way that many other patterns don't (eh hem. Breeze?).

So, the Poms and I ride off into the sunset together, leaving birch in a stringy puddle of 80s couch hideousness in the dust.


lil purl aka Beth said...

I love love love your kilt hose! They are luvly!

geekgirl said...


Snoop Frog ~~~@ said...

Wow... I don't know what I like better: the lovely kilt hose or the dramatic photos!

I'm sorry you hate how the sock yarn knit up. I still think there's hope for the yarn. It looks so damn pretty spooled up!