Monday, October 29, 2007

Meet Vera

5 oz of Lorna's Laces superwash merino roving, spun into 280 yards of somewhere between dk and worsted. I'll have to check the wpi after she's all washed. But here she is!

The roving was bright pink, with brown, pale pink and some olive greens. I didn't want it to end up in stripes, because I was afraid of any pooling that would happen (see the ugly Breeze sock fiasco), so instead I plied two singles together, offsetting the colors, to let whatever interactions happen that wanted to happen.

Overall, I'd say the skein wants to be bright pink. The pink is so dominant. But there are these interesting smudges of browns and greens as well. I can't wait to knit this into the shifting sands scarf.

I feel like I'm getting a much better handle on this whole spinning thing. It seems like I'm stuck in a bit of a "somewhere between dk and worsted" rut, though. I'll have to try really hard to spin something... thicker. Or thinner. I suppose either way would be new to me!


Chelsea said...

ME LURVES ME LURVES!!!! If I saw that in a store, I'd totally buy it!

lil purl aka Beth said...

Beuuuuuuutiful! m.c.r. got mad spinning skillz!

Snoop Frog ~~~@ said...

Oooooh, wubberly!


Our little girl has come so far from her days of cat sick.

Nina said...
