Monday, October 1, 2007

hand-spun wonderment

My lovely friend Rebz, whom I met on the Intrawebs (ain't it the darndest thing), just sent me some beauteous hand spun yarn as a gift. Squeeeeeeeeeee! X-D

The color is a bit hard to describe... it has a little touch of everything depending on how the light hits it (kinda like McR's McAwesome Engagement Ring).

I'm very much looking forward to spending some quality time with it, in the hopes that it will whisper to me what it wants to be.

Thanks, R!!! Lurve it, and lurve you!


geekgirl said...

Lurve you right back! I'm glad you likey. :-)

Chelsea said...

I gasped it's so pretty...

Adrienne said...

oooooh.... the precious. that's gorgeous!

lil purl aka Beth said...

verrrrry nice. i hope to see (and touch it) this sunday, yes?