Saturday, September 29, 2007

Oakland Knit and Crochet Show

KBull and I trekked across the Bay to the Oakland Knit and Crochet show yesterday. It's much smaller than Stitches West, but that makes it more manageable, though somehow no less exhausting.

We made one absolutely INGENIOUS find at the Article Pract booth.... the Knitter's Block. How did someone not think of this?
I haven't unwrapped it yet, but it's modular, 12" or so squares that you can put together in different sizes and shapes to block your work! And it comes with t-pins, and a blocking cloth, and this fantastic, handy orange tote bag. LURVE. On the bag are the buttons I bought at Buttons! (More about those below.)

My other great find was this:

800 or so yards of cotton/rayon yarn from Interlacements. It's the perfect yarn to make a nice, sleeveless top for my mother-in-law-to-be for Christmas! I found some equally nice yarn at Nine Rubies the other weekend for three times the price.

And, of course, Buttons!

The last ones are my favorite. They're Victorian glass, late 19th century. No idea what I'm going to do with them, but they sure are purdy! The button woman is amazing -- she knows what all the buttons are made of and what era they come from.

Now all I have to do is find something to put them on.


Chelsea said...

I need to take pictures and post as well. I was too busy knitting!!! (At the St st park of the TYC)

Snoop Frog ~~~@ said...

Nice haul!